Friday, May 23, 2008

Pinch me, I'm dreaming...

Oh the nightmares.

As if I don't have enough on my mind these days, my sleep, which is already restless due to late night pee breaks, is being interrupted by terrible nightmares, or at the very least, very vivid dreams.

A lot of them circle around the boy. There have been dreams where he runs off with some random person who is supposedly a good friend (it's never anyone I actually know in real life, though), or others where he straight bounces. In one, he's started sleeping with someone else because I'm too busy with the baby, and I apparently was ok with it, but when I tried to reach out and reconnect, he told me he liked the hussy better. I always wake up in a cold sweat from these dreams, even with the knowledge that I am with the most faithful, devoted and loving man on the face of the earth. He always kisses me when I tell him about these frightful visions, and tells me I'm crazy for thinking he'd even contemplate leaving.

Doesn't make the dreams any less disturbing.

Other dreams have revolved around my grandma, who passed away in April. It's really jarring, because they'll be so real, I'll think I'm going to wake up to call and tell her about it. In one of the dreams, she was planting flowers outside of our new place. I was so rattled I had to get up to double check that someone hadn't been gardening overnight. I mean, I'm not particularly religious, but she was, and I can't help but feel she's looking out for me. One of my aunts, when she passed away, reassured me that even though she couldn't be here, my daughter to be has the most diligent guardian angel ever.

So what does this have to do with being pregnant? Hormones. It's part of the process. does a much better job than I could of explaining it:

"Throughout your pregnancy, your body pumps out a variety of different hormones, including progesterone and estrogen. It is thought that these hormones affect the way we sleep at night, causing us to experience longer periods of REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that our minds begin to dream."

Ok. Cool. Now I know why. Doesn't make the dreams any less weird.

Oh well. Less than ten weeks until the due date, and only 5 or so more until I can urge her to come out without feeling guilty about it.

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